Director of Services

Our Director of Services oversees the running of the service, its counselling/psychotherapy services, primary prevention through our education programmes, our outreach services, promoting the work of our organisation, raising awareness of current issues, networking with all relevant stakeholders both at a community and a national level as well as managing finances and fundraising.

Our Director of Services can be contacted at directorofservices@carlow-kildare-slrcc.ie

Education, Training & Communications Department

The Education, Training and Communications Department is responsible for the delivery, development and the provision of the KAS programme for secondary schools as well as staff and volunteer training. The department develops links with schools, young people and other relevant stakeholders through evaluation processes and social media.

You can contact this department at info@carlow-kildare-slrcc.ie


Our administration department is responsible for all aspects of administrative support for the Director of Services, the Education, Training and Communications Department and the day to day running of the offices.

You can contact the centre at office@carlow-kildare-slrcc.ie

The Board

Our Board is made up of a wide variety of expertise from throughout counties Carlow, Kildare, Kilkenny, Wicklow and surrounding areas. The skill sets of the Board enables us to draw on their vast experience of governance, financial planning and strategic development to contribute to the continued success of the organisation.

Communication with the board is via the Chairperson at chaircarlowandsouthleinster@gmail.com